Indoor And Outdoor Plants for Home | Feng shui For Indoor and Outdoor Plants - Architecture science - Architecture Science


Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Indoor And Outdoor Plants for Home | Feng shui For Indoor and Outdoor Plants - Architecture science

Here we give you Knowledge about which plants be planted in home and outside of Home. Which direction is best for your plant to planted in home?. Also Feng Shui for indoor and outdoor plant. 

Which plants should be planted indoors / outdoors?

Indoor And Outdoor Plants for Home

Which direction is beneficial for plating trees and plants?

When planting trees around the house, the garden should be to the west or north of any building. No trees should be planted in southwest or southeast direction. Avoid planting trees in northwest direction if possible.

Bamboo trees should not be planted inside the house or any fence. sacred tree (Palas ),
Terminalia arjuna (Arjuna ), Bora trees should not be planted in the garden around the house. This creates more enemies.

Ornamental cactus, acacia trees / shrubs should not be planted in the house. So there are constant tensions or quarrels in the house.

Tulsi tree is considered auspicious if it is in the house or in the vicinity of the house. It also purifies the air.
cluster fig tree (Audumbar), Champak tree (Sonchafa) , coconut tree, locust, mango, neem etc. like Tulsi. Plant trees, they are considered auspicious.

Bell, Pimple should be planted in the west. Planting a gold leaf tree in the north brings money and prosperity to the house. It is considered auspicious to plant Audumbara, a locust tree to the south.

Indoor plants name and Benefits   

Indoor And Outdoor Plants for Home
Indoor Plants

Monstera deliciosa ( Swiss Cheese plant )

Benefits -  This plant purify the air. It's fruit contain Vitamin C, Proteins, Vitamin B,  Calcium, Phosphors. But is dangerous if it does not ripe fully. It is also known as Swiss Cheese plant.

Epipremnum aureum ( Devil's Ivy )

Benefits- The most important benefits is that,it quite efficient to clean the air pollutant ,such air pollutant as benzene, trichloroethylene, xylene and formaldehyde.This Plant is Toxic for your pets.

Zanzibar Gem ( ZZ plant )

Benefit- The Zanzibar Gem is one of the most troublesome indoor plants to slaughter. Being a timberland floor plant, local to Kenya, it can adapt to low degrees of light, and water. It is, accordingly, the ideal decision for the individuals who have a propensity for executing house plants. It is likewise has a high protection from bothers.

Dracaena Massangeana  ( Corn plant)

Benefit- It is one of the most effective plant for household, because it kills air pollutant such as, trichloroethylen, formaldehyde, benzene, and carbon dioxide. It contain chemicals which can use as problem of Headache, Kidney diseases, respiratory problem.

Spathiphyllum ( Peace lily)

Benefit- Spathiphyllum exceeds expectations in the expulsion of alcohols,trichloroethylene, benzene and formaldehyde. Its capacity to eliminate indoor air poisons and its high happening rate make it one of the most important indoor plants and the conspicuous decision to advance National Plants at Work Week.

Ficus Elastica  ( Rubber Plant )

Benefit-  It is also use to clan the air pollutant. It additionally scores truly well with protection from nuisances and maladies and has a high happening rate which expands the dampness of the room it lives in. As it were it's useful for your well being just as low upkeep.

Maidenhair Fern

Benefits-  In the name maidnhair, means it is very good antiseptic for hair loss problem. Maidenhair greenery is utilized for bronchitis, hacks, challenging hack, and weighty period with cramps. It is additionally used to slacken chest blockage.

Anthurium Andraeanum

Benefit- Anthurium andraeanum is an excellent evergreen plant that is generally known for its ravishing blossoms. As per the NASA Clean Air Study, the Flamingo Lily was fantastically powerful at eliminating airborne formaldehyde, alkali, toluene and xylene in your home or office.



Outdoor plant name and Benefits 

Indoor And Outdoor Plants for Home
Outdoor plants


Benefit-  It is use for Treating high blood pressure. It also prevent from Dandruff. Preventing hair loss problem. Use for overcome  fever. Re-leaf from insomnia.

Pennisetum Setaceum

Benefits- Fountaingrass has been acquainted with Canarias, Sicily, Sardinia, southern Spain, Australia,South Africa, Hawaii, the western United States, southern Florida and New Caledonia. It flourishes in hotter, drier territories and compromises numerous local species, with which it contends viably as an obtrusive species. It additionally will in general increment the danger of extreme out of control fires, to which it is very much adjusted, in this way representing a further danger to certain local species.

Dianella Tasmanica

Benefit- Berries are viewed as noxious despite the fact that proof is restricted to a couple of incidental cases; no reasonable presentation and impact has been seen. Announced indications incorporate trouble breathing, hiccups and discombobulation. 


Benefit-  It is sweet and marginally cold, can sustain the Yin and soak dryness of the Lung, Heart and Stomach. It can firmly notify of these organs, quicken the Yin age and accordingly improve the capacity of Mai Men Dong.


Benefit- Accesses in radical searching components: Many bio active mixes found in Ipomoea leaves like cell reinforcements, phenol and Vitamin C have radical rummaging action that help forestall illnesses and contamination. Regular use of Ipomea leaf is highly beneficial for diet.


Benefit- Plumbago is utilized customarily to treat moles, broken bones and wounds. It is taken as a snuff for migraines and as an emetic to scatter awful dreams. A stick of the plant is set in the cover of cottages to avoid lightning.

Pittosporum Tobira 

Benefit- The  plant contains saponins. Saponins are found in numerous nourishment, for example, a few beans, and despite the fact that they are genuinely poisonous to individuals they are ineffectively consumed by the body and most pass straight through with no issue. They are additionally separated if the food is altogether cooked for quite a while. Saponins are significantly more poisonous to certain animals, for example, fish, and chasing clans have customarily placed huge amounts of them in streams, lakes and so on so as to stun or murder the fish.

Asparagus Densiflorus

Benefits- This plant is use to prevent soil erosion. It is utilized in customary medication in South Africa and is a famous nursery plant with numerous cultivars. A portion of the South African Asparagus species are utilized as vegetables, and many are utilized for therapeutic purposes. The berries cause possibly low harmfulness whenever eaten.


Outdoor trees name Benefits  

Outdoor Trees
Outdoor Trees

Lemon Tree

Benefit- Lemons are good source of Vitamin C. It also beneficial for lose weight.It prevent kidney stone, protect against kidney stone, Improve digestive health.It is also beneficial for cancer treatment.

Guava Tree 

Benefit- It is helpful for stopping diarrhea. Reduce Cholesterol levels from body, help for loosing weight, controls diabetes. It also helpful to Fights against cancer. Main benefit is it help to improving your skin texture.

Tamarind Tree 

Benefit- It maintain digestive health and stimulates your metabolism and further keeps your digestive system strong. It also improve blood circulation of body, Reduce weight loss and boost your Immunity. It has anti-inflammatory property. It also improve your eye health.

Neem Tree

Benefits- Neem leaf is utilized for uncleanliness, eye issues, ridiculous nose, intestinal worms, stomach upset, loss of craving, skin ulcers, illnesses of the heart and veins (cardiovascular sickness), fever, diabetes, gum ailment (gum disease), and liver issues. The leaf is additionally utilized for anti-conception medication and to cause premature births.

Curry Tree 

Benefit- This tree is beneficial for weight loss. Help to treat against Diarrhea, nausea. It contain future to eliminates bacteria. Good for diabetics people. Also good for eyesight, reduce stress, sickness. Prevent from skin eruption.

Bael Tree

Benefit- New half ready Bael natural product is somewhat astringent and used to fix looseness of the bowels, the runs, hepatitis, tuberculosis, dyspepsia and useful for heart and cerebrum. Roots have antidemocratic, remedy to wind venom, calming and wound recuperating properties.

Drumstick Tree

Benefit-It is helpful to improve your sleep. It is high in fiber, regulated blood sugar level, grate source of iron. It also reduce joint pain, lowers the Cholesterol from body. Main benefits is it reduce death of cancel cells. Promotes heart health.

Eucalyptus Tree

Benefits-  Eucalyptus is a quickly developing evergreen tree local to Australia. As a fixing in numerous items, it is utilized to decrease side effects of hacks, colds, and clog. It likewise includes in creams and salves planned for mitigating muscle and joint torment.

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