What is Science of Architecture ? | Why Architecture Science is needed in today's world ? | Vastu shastra - Architecture Science - Architecture Science


Sunday, June 21, 2020

What is Science of Architecture ? | Why Architecture Science is needed in today's world ? | Vastu shastra - Architecture Science

What is Science of Architecture ?

Architecture  is the art and science of designing buildings and structures to make home peaceful.  Architecture can be about small designs, such as a garage, or large designs, such as a whole city. In Design include, structure of hall, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, garden, etc.

What is Science of Architecture

Why Architecture Science  is needed in today's world ?

Density, Durability and Beauty this three Phenomena is consider in current construction. Health in these three components of architecture And wealth adds to these two other factors. I.e. architecture Happiness and prosperity to the person living in the building along with the desirability Prioritizes how to benefit. Modern science does not understand that the front part of the house has a terrace or a balcony (cavity), the direction and color of the structure of the house affects the well-being of man, and therefore technological advances have not reduced the problems. This is exactly what Architecture fills in the gaps. That is why it is useful in today's world.

Open Art is any case of media that has been arranged and executed with the expectation of being organized in the open domain. The open domain alludes to freely claimed roads, stops and privileges of-way, which is the place structures are arranged. Design unmistakably meets this definition. We all, as the general population, communicate with engineering. 

We are influenced on a down to earth and enthusiastic level by both the manner in which a structure shows up in its specific situation and by its inside condition. The logical technique is utilized by engineers to investigate and create ideas on bunch levels required to make structures. These levels incorporate understanding the encompassing setting from ecological, memorable, elaborate and framework viewpoints;and deciding project territories required by clients, for example, inside items, structure,mechanical, electrical, plumbing, fire insurance, innovative and security frameworks.

Architecture and Direction's

East direction - The direction of sunrise. This is also called Prak Prachi. The east direction is the father location indicator. That is why the worship of the fathers should be done facing this direction. Eastward agility is affected. Swami Indra of that direction is god. The east direction is the entrance to the sun's rays. Therefore, the east side of the building should be empty.

West direction - This is the direction of sunset.The god Varuna or Vayu is the chief of the western direction. Aerobics has an effect on this. This direction is considered a symbol of prosperity.The air is fickle and prominent, So people in west-facing architecture are happy and humorous.

North direction - North direction is the 'mother' viewer. In night that direction the pole star appears. This direction is the location of the water element. North side direction home is always blessed by Lakshmi(god of money). Thus wealth-grain-prosperity is obtained. The reason why the north direction is considered to be a fixed Lakshmi is that the pole is a fixed star in this direction. Hence the light coming from the north is beneficial.

South direction - South direction is opposite to north direction. This direction is occupied by the earth principle. This direction is Owned by Yama(god of deaths). Hence the direction that provides liberation to this direction Called. People facing south gain courage and stability, of some. It is also considered inauspicious to have a south-facing structure.

Northeast direction - The angle between two directions, north and east (Corner), is the northeast direction called. Northeast in all four subdivisions this direction is considered sacred. Therefore, in this direction, adoration, sadhana, Considered auspicious in terms of learning, writing etc. Northeast corner Gives man wisdom, knowledge, conscience, patience,courage. Therefore this corner of the house should always be kept clean and holy.

Southeast direction - The angle between the two directions of south and east is the viewer of southeastern direction. This is health. The fire element is considered stable. If dirty things found in this direction, the health of home people deteriorates. It is beneficial to keep electrical and fire equipment as well as iron objects in the southeast corner.

Southwest direction - The corner between the main directions of south and west is called southwest direction. This direction is anti-enemy. Its lord is a demon. If contaminated objects are placed in the house facing southwest, the character of the persons in the house It becomes corrupt and the enemy becomes strong.

Northwest direction - This is the angle between north and west direction's. This direction is auspiciously fruitful. Man earn Longevity, health and gain strength. This corner should not be contaminated, This causes pain, friends also become enemies. Indoors if the northwest direction is contaminated the main person was arrogant. Northwest direction for good luck at home Keep it clean and pure.

Theory of Architecture

What is Science of Architecture

The most punctual enduring composed work regarding the matter of design is De architectural by the Roman engineer Vitruvius in the mid first century. According to Vitruvius, a decent structure ought to fulfill the three standards of Strength, Utility, Magnificence ,ordinarily known by the first interpretation  immovability, item and joy.

Strength – A structure should stand up heartily and stay in great condition

Utility – It ought to be reasonable for the reasons for which it is utilized

Magnificence – It ought to be stylishly satisfying

As per Vitruvius, the designer ought to endeavor to satisfy every one of these three traits as well as could be expected. Leon Battista Alberti, who expounds on the thoughts of Vitruvius in his composition, De re aedificatoria, saw magnificence basically as an issue of extent, in spite of the fact that adornment additionally had an influence. For Alberti, the standards of extent were those that represented the glorified human figure, the Golden mean.

The most significant part of excellence was, consequently, an inborn piece of an item, as opposed to something applied cursorily, and depended on widespread, conspicuous realities. The thought of style in human expressions was not created until the sixteenth century, with the composition of Vasari. By the eighteenth century, his Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects had been converted into Italian, French, Spanish, and English.

In the mid nineteenth century, Augustus Welby Northmore Pugin composed Contrasts (1836) that, as the named recommended, differentiated the cutting edge, mechanical world, which he slandered, with a glorified picture of neo-medieval world. Gothic engineering, Pugin accepted, was the main "genuine Christian type of design."

The nineteenth century English craftsmanship pundit, John Ruskin, in his Seven Lamps of Architecture, distributed 1849, was much smaller in his perspective on what established design. Engineering was the "craftsmanship which so arranges and embellishes the buildings raised by men ... that seeing them" contributes "to his emotional wellness, power, and pleasure". For Ruskin, the tasteful was of abrogating hugeness. His work proceeds to express that a structure isn't genuinely a work of engineering except if it is somehow or another "decorated". For Ruskin, an all around developed, proportional, practical structure required string courses or rustication, at the very least.

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