Five Elements of Architecture Science | Types of Five Elements| Feng shui tips | Panchmahabhutas in vastushatra - Architecture science - Architecture Science


Thursday, June 25, 2020

Five Elements of Architecture Science | Types of Five Elements| Feng shui tips | Panchmahabhutas in vastushatra - Architecture science

In fact, since Architecture Science  is a complete science, the health of the person living in home is also considered in Architecture  Science! The idea of health also said that the idea of Ayurveda should definitely be considered. The Five Elements (Panchamahabhutas) affect the mind and body of a person and that is why it is important to build or choose a house wisely.

Five Elements of Architecture Science / Panchmahabhutas in vastushatra

Five Elements of Architecture Science

The human body is made up of  Five elements which is:
(1) Sky 
(2) Air        
(3) Fire         
(4) Water                  
(5) Earth.

Human bulit  home to protect from the intense sun, wind, rain. That is why there is an obstacle between the this Five elements (Panchmahabhuta) and man. The house is an obstacle to the this Five elements (Panchmahabhutas). Man designs the house and the walls in such a way that it is possible to accept the right amount of this Five elements (Panchmahabhutas) without any hindrance. The reason for not increasing happiness in the house is that they do not get this Five elements  (Panchmahabhuta).
This Five elements (Panchmahabhutas ) affect any living being.

That is, the intellect, the creativity of the mind, that is activity, is inactivity. Seven qulity  needs to increase quality and this is  oriented towards Northeast. For this reason, if the area of the east and north windows is increased, it helps to increase the seven  quality.

Vitamin D and ultraviolet rays enhance the seven quality in the early morning sun. That is why there should be a shrine or children's study room in the north-east.
The low temperature, humidity in this corner is great for doing intelligent work or concentrating the mind for study meditation.

The Principle of Five Elements of Architecture

Five Elements of Architecture Science
Five Elements Architecture

1) Sky - Vishuddha Chakra - Glands, Throat, Lungs.

2) Air - Anahat Chakra - Lungs, Heart,

3) Fire - Manipur Chakra - Stomach, Liver, Gallbladder.

4) Water - Swadhisthana Chakra - Reproductive senses,

5) Earth - Muladhara Chakra - Kidney, Bladder.

Sky:  The idea of room is viewed as of essential significance to a comprehension of the physical universe. It has been broadly bantered upon by the two researchers and savants. Basically characterized, it is a nonstop zone which is free, accessible or abandoned.

Air:  The climate of the earth is the layer of gases regularly known as air. It is held by the world's gravity and secures life on earth by retaining UV sun oriented radiation, warming the surface through warmth maintenance and lessening temperature limits among day and night.

Fire:  This is spoken to by the Sun, the most essential wellspring of vitality and light.

The Sun's range can be part into 7+2 color:  VIBGYOR + ULTRA-VIOLET + INFRA – RED.

The early morning sun has the useful UV beams which spread the East and North-East. As the day advances the sun's beams split into VIBGYOR and Infrared in the South East. The late evening and night sun have infrared beams which ought to be dodged. This is the reason the South and South-West ought to be secured and the North East ought to be left open and clear, and to have water assets in the North-East.

The impacts of light upon the human body rely on the light's frequency, power, and time of presentation. The majority of us invest most of our energy inside – regularly more than 90%. Accordingly we are perpetually presented to unnatural types of light which our bodies didn't develop to manage. The impact turns out to be a lot of more terrible if the introduction to fake light proceeds at evening time, as this disturbs the circadian beat and keeps the body from delivering genuinely necessary synthetic concoctions during the rest cycle.

Water:  It's the following most significant component. It is connected to the faculties of taste ,contact, sight and hearing. It is quantitatively the biggest of the 5 components since 75% of the world's surface is water and about 60% of the human body is water. This is the main component that exists in 3 states ie: strong, fluid and gas.
The North-East zone of a structure speaks to the water component.

At the point when we devour water which is in a monatomic express, the structure of the groups of water are in profoundly requested express, this abatements surface pressure making the water more hydrophilic (absorbable by the body). Restructurized water likewise ties more oxygen and gives a negative charge know as zeta potential, which when expended, expands blood smoothness. Comparative advantageous impacts are seen in vegetation.

Water must be considered as a key factor in the production of bio-resounding spaces and situations.

Earth:  Geography instructs us that the earth is the third planet from the Sun and the densest planet in the nearby planetary group.

The world's gravity associates with different articles in space particularly the Sun and the Moon , which is the world's just normal satellite. During one circle around the sun the earth turns on its pivot more than multiple times, in this way one earth year is 365.26 days long.

The hub is inclined creating occasional minor departure from the planet's surface. The northernmost purpose of the earth is known as the North Pole, lying oppositely inverse the South Pole.

The earth has a strong iron internal center and a fluid external center that creates the world's attractive field.

Most of the populace today has an alleged "electron lack" which lessens the natural life form in to an unnatural and uneven electrical state. The planet is accused of a negative electric potential that is indispensable for our well being and prosperity delivering calming impacts and expanding blood stream alongside numerous other showed recuperating properties. Direct contact with the ground permits electrons to be consumed by the body, and is likewise the most productive approach to ensure against electromagnetic contamination, elector-exhaust cloud or supposed messy power. Unnatural frequencies and charges transmitting from electronic gadgets (and the electrical matrix itself) can be rapidly and effortlessly directed to the earth, discharging the body from the development of these charges.

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