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Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Architecture and planets | Architecture Astrology | vastushstra Astrology | Feng shui tips | - Architecture Science

Astrological information about which planet is under the influence of the entire Architecture and its contents

Architecture and planets

Astrology and planet

                                                  Astrology and planet

Sun - The sun has an effect on the objects and tools such as  light, lamp, incense, authority.

Moon - Moon is an effect on home water, tools of water, milk,etc.

Mars - has an effect on food, dining hall, etc.

Mercury - Mercury has an effect on books, texts, study rooms.

Venus - Influences on raw wall, means of entertainment, wife or lover, musical instruments, jewels etc.

Jupiter - Jupiter has an effect on air circulation, rooms, worship materials, place in the house.

Saturn - Garbage, dirt, black beasts, iron goods are affected.

North node (Rahu) - has an effect on the house's drainage line, septic tank, kitchen chimney.

South node (Ketu )- The lowest light in the house, the dark closet is affected.
Thus the planets have an effect on the objects in the house.

The situation of parts of your home in understanding to these significant headings assume a powerful job in close to home just as by and large advancement of your family. Contingent upon your Sun sign, the bearing of situation of rooms in your home may change.
You should accept the exhortation of an expert who might investigate your signs and guide you in the perfect heading. This would be founded on your Sun sign and the effect of the decision planet along with the directional power applied by the Vastu of your home. In any case, when all is said in done, here are a portion of the standards that would assist you with tackling positive vitality in a particular room. In a perfect world, these should be investigated while building your home yet you can generally do redresses and redesign likewise.

In your front room:

Have a forward looking living zone.
The proprietor ought to confront the east or north heading.
Different individuals can sit next to or inverse the proprietor.
Have the fundamental entryway in the north territory.
Having a ground surface at lower level makes a difference. give a decent sense to your family.

In your room:

Room entryway should open in any event 90 degrees.
Have sufficient space to move and stay away from mess.
Guarantee your head focuses south as you rest.
Abstain from staying in bed line with any sharp corners.

In your kitchen:

south-East is the perfect course for a kitchen.
Hues like blue, red, green and yellow advance great well being.
Fumes and gas ought to be set in the south-eastern corner.
Cooler and other electrical apparatuses are to be kept in the southern corner.


Sidney Opera House in Aries with Aquarius

Architecture and planets
Sydney opera house

Sidney Opera House was built in the constellation of creative, innovative air sign Aquarius sign of inventions, mutations, self-finding and inspiration with dynamic, male fire sign Aries sign of ignition, action, speed, strength, warfare, sports.

This combination is valid for astrogeographical radius/field level 3, which shows how the construction site on a small peninsula is embedded in the surrounding area in the harbour of Sidney.

This highly dynamic astrogeographical combination stands for mutation, innovation and attempts to materialize ideals and inspiration. It stands for starting something new and for the focus on direct action and revolution.

In regard to the function as an opera house it indicates that experimental art and architecture have more importance here than the mere listening and reception of sound or music itself. In this sense the site does not indicate a concert hall in the sense of a place for listening or feeling the music in the first place but rather a site for inspiration.

The constellation may rather support rythm and particularly the atmosphere of fire sign Aries could be to some extent in conflict with melody. No wonder that despite its name the building is a center for performances of all different kinds of arts.

The building hosts 2 concert halls, 3 theatres and a couple of restaurants and bars. Before the beginning of construction work on the new opera house the construction site hosted a tram repair center.

The position in Aquarius is aymptomatic for peninsulae especially when they are long and narrow.  Examples: Cape of Good Hope,  Gibraltar.

The roof consists of white elements that can be seen as pieces of oyster (pointed form) or egg (white colour) like shells and possibly also a ship´s sails or even its nose.

Because their form unlike shells or sails is pointed into the air in a curved way so that their shape is a bit bent and thus kind of overstyled, there could even be the association of beaks or claws.

This male or as it is seen in feng shui agressive element of form where energy and awareness are concentrated towards the tips is to be considered as a typical feature of fire sign Aries. Among other aspects Aquarius stands for the prominent and “far out” position of the site on the tip of a peninsula that reaches out into the harbour.

The association of the shape of the building with sails or tents would have to be seen as related to air sign Aquarius the sign of the wind and most important astogeographical indicator for sails as well as for tent

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